If you hear about Botox treatments and your first association with it is its effectiveness at reducing wrinkles, you might be surprised to discover that it also has helped many chronic migraine sufferers improve their quality of life in recent years. Given that chronic migraine sufferers are symptomatic at least 15 days out of each month and there have been instances where the severity of a person's migraine rendered them permanently unable to work, the debilitating impact of a migraine is obvious. Therefore, if you experience chronic migraines, it's a good idea to discuss with your doctor the following information about Botox treatments as a means of preventing your pain.
Understanding The Trauma Of Migraines
It should first be acknowledged that Botox treatments are not a cure-all for migraines, nor should they automatically be seen as a replacement to any of the existing treatments you already use. Never make changes to your existing medications or treatment without the approval of the prescribing physician.
With that being said, it has recently been estimated that up to three million people in the United States experience chronic migraines and many people erroneously self-diagnose with other types of headaches before finally seeing a doctor.
Knowing How And Why Botox Is Used For Migraines
Botox treatments are provided to very specific parts of the head about every three months. It consists of 31 different injections in up to seven areas of the head and the goal is to neutralize the pain fibers that contribute to the migraine symptoms. When those pain fibers vibrate, migraine symptoms will often manifest, so it makes sense that temporarily numbing those fibers is likely to be quite useful. When it has been determined that numbing them permits you to experience fewer migraines, your physician might suggest keeping them numbed permanently, necessitating return visits every three months or so.
However, while you might be used to being given strong narcotic or other pain management medications for addressing or minimizing your pain during a migraine, you'll need to remember that your Botox treatment will be quite different. Instead, it focuses on preventing the discomfort in the first place and there is not a one-size-fits all determination as to the expectations of relief. That means that it must be planned ahead of time and it's not unusual for results to not be seen for two or three sessions. During that time, you should continue to work with your doctor on improving your quality of life and minimizing your pain.
In conclusion, Botox treatments have moved past providing primarily cosmetic improvements to your appearance and are now known as a viable means of preventing chronic migraines. As a result, it's best to be aware of the above facts when you are speaking with your physician about your pain. For more information, contact companies like Stellis Health.