28 November 2022
If you have trouble hearing, your knee-jerk reaction to the words audiologist and hearing aids may be one of anxiety. While the potential of hearing loss can be stressful or even overwhelming, there is nothing to fear. However, if you think you may be experiencing hearing loss, it is important to speak to an audiologist as soon as possible. Hearing aids can help improve your quality of life by allowing you to hear more clearly and can be used in combination with other treatments, such as medications or therapies.
26 October 2022
When caught early, kidney cancers can often be eliminated through surgery. These procedures usually involve removing part or all of the kidney, along with the tumor and any other cancerous tissues around it. But you may wonder, what happens once your surgery is complete? Like any surgery, there are steps you and your medical team can take to give you the best possible outcome and improve your odds of a full recovery.
19 September 2022
Ringing in the ears is also called tinnitus. It is a common disorder that is often benign in nature. Even though tinnitus is often benign, your physician and audiologist will need to examine you to determine the cause. Once the source of your tinnitus has been determined, a treatment plan can then be developed. Here are some tinnitus causes, symptoms, and diagnostic interventions to consider if you experience ringing in your ears.
16 August 2022
When you have been addicted to drugs for years, you may find it impossible to get through a normal day without using. Your body needs the drugs you are dependent on to avoid debilitating withdrawals. However, you also may be ready to beat your addiction and start life anew as someone who is sober and free from drugs entirely. You may find this sobriety and fresh start when you enroll in and complete an addiction treatment program.
14 July 2022
Most people think about the elimination of wrinkles when they think about Botox. While that is certainly a big reason many people seek out Botox injections, it's not the only one. You might be surprised that there are medical professionals using Botox injections as a way to treat a variety of issues that their patients are experiencing. Read further if you would like to learn more. Relief From Migraines There is a big difference between headaches and migraines that migraine sufferers know all too well.
6 May 2022
Does your tween or teen still need to visit the pediatrician annually? Even though your child is now taller than you, this doesn't mean they're ready for an adult doctor. Before you skip a well-visit or start searching for a general primary care physician (PCP), take a look at what you need to know about pediatric services, tweens/teens, and adolescent medical care. Do Tweens and Teens Need Well-Child Visits? Yes, a child who is 11-plus years old still needs to have an annual check-up.
6 May 2022
If infection, disease, or another condition damaged the bones and spinal cord in your spine, contact a doctor about spinal rehab. Spinal rehab, or spinal rehabilitation, treats all types of spinal conditions, including traumatic injuries, osteoarthritis, infection, and cancer. Learn more about spinal cord problems and how spinal rehab can help you below. What Happened to Your Spine? The cells and nerves in your spinal cord work similar to a telephone cord or cable line.
8 April 2022
Urgent care centers are becoming more and more common across the country. These are places where you can receive care for urgent, though not exactly an emergency, medical problems. For instance, an urgent care center is a good place to go if you have a cut that needs stitches or a sinus infection that needs treatment. If you're about to visit urgent care, here are a few facts to know first.
7 February 2022
Substance abuse in all its forms is not only hard for the person struggling with it, but it is also challenging for the friends, family, and loved ones who don't know what to do. Often times they are completely oblivious to the substance abuse, at least at the beginning when the signs are harder to identify. This is unfortunately quite often the case with alcohol abuse, especially since drinking is so ingrained in modern culture.
7 February 2022
If you are not feeling well, you may not want to have to wait to see your physician in a week or longer for an appointment. If you are not feeling well, you may not want to go to the emergency room, as it can be very costly. In this situation, urgent care is a great option to have, as you can get in almost immediately to be seen by a medical physician and treated for your condition.