If you're expecting a new baby, you are making all sorts of preparations, including collecting baby gear and making sure you're ready for birth. New parents also need to be aware of safety for new babies.Your preparations for your baby's safety can make all the difference in the event of a problem or accident. Here are some safety tips for parents to keep in mind.
1. Get CPR and first aid certification
You might know how to perform CPR on an adult with compressions and breaths, but infant CPR is different. You may never end up needing the skill, but just in case, you should consider learning infant CPR and getting certified in the newest methods for infant first aid. This way, if you ever discover that your baby is unresponsive, you can jump into action until help arrives.
You can also learn how to remedy infant choking. The Heimlich maneuver works well for older children and adults, but babies need a different method for dislodging objects and food from the throat. Even if you've learned these techniques in the past, you can still benefit from a refresher course before baby comes.
2. Learn safe sleep methods.
Many infants die each year of accidental suffocation. Safe sleep practices help reduce the risks of your baby coming into harm. Make sure you know basic sleep safety, including:
3. Have the carseat professionally installed.
Many people do not install or use a carseat properly. Even if you follow the directions, you might still have an improperly secured seat. Local police and fire stations often offer installs for free, showing you how the make sure the seat is secure. Do not put your baby in a thick coat or snowsuit when in a carseat. Instead, cover them with a blanket to help protect them from the cold.
For more information, talk to companies like Lemons Heart CPR Training.