Dealing with a Cancer Diagnosis

  • Taking Pediatric CPR Classes Prepares You For Home Emergencies Involving Your Children

    29 October 2019

    If you have kids at home, you probably worry about their health and safety. You do all you can to keep them safe, but emergencies happen when you least expect it. That's why it's good to learn pediatric CPR. Learning adult CPR is good too, but the techniques differ between the adult and child versions since children have smaller and more fragile bodies. Here are some of the things you'll learn in pediatric CPR classes.

  • Teen Struggling With Acne? Why You Should Take Them To A Dermatologist

    9 October 2019

    Watching your young child blossom into a teenager can be a wonderful thing. You may remember many of the changes that you went through at that age and the memories alone allow you to connect with your teenager in new and amazing ways. However, the teen years don't come without their fair share of growing pains. As your child grows taller and flourishes in other ways they may start to battle acne.

  • Does Your Child Need Their Tonsils Removed?

    2 July 2019

    For many children, it feels like a right of passage to have their tonsils removed. While not every child goes through a tonsillectomy, the procedure is not uncommon. If your child requires tonsil removal, you may have a lot of questions. This guide will help you understand the signs he or she needs to have their tonsils removed. What Are Tonsils? First, you need to understand the role of tonsils and exactly what they do.

  • 3 Reasons To Consider Participating In Clinical Research Studies

    2 July 2019

    There are a variety of awesome benefits to take advantage of when participating in clinical trials. Here are just a few: Have an Opportunity to Get Paid One great reason to participate in clinical research studies is to have an opportunity to make some extra money. Not all, but many research study leaders will pay participants for their time and effort depending on the depth and scope of the research that is taking place.

  • Tick-Borne Diseases And When To See A Doctor

    31 May 2019

    Spring is in full swing, which means if you spend a lot of time outdoors, you are sure to find bugs, insects, and other creepy crawly things. While most of them are completely harmless, there are certain ones that cause disease. This includes a type of arachnid called a tick. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tick-borne illnesses are on the rise. Of course, not every tick bite will cause you to become sick.

  • Signs Your Loved One May Need To Live In A Skilled Nursing Center

    6 March 2019

    It's often said that with old age comes wisdom, but as people age, they also tend to develop a number of health problems. It is not uncommon for older senior citizens to want to continue to live in their home and maintain independence, but in some cases, the time will come where a person can't safely live alone and needs the services of a skilled nursing center that is able to provide 24-hour nursing care.

  • Designing Your Loved One's Headstone? Tips To Help You Create The Perfect Inscription

    6 March 2019

    If your loved one has recently passed away, and you're in the process of making funeral arrangements, you'll need to choose an inscription for their headstone. The inscription will act as a lasting memorial for your loved one. If you're having a difficult time formulating the right words, here are four steps that can help you through the process. Choose a Letter Form You Like When you're designing the inscription for your loved one's headstone, you should start by choosing a letter form that you like.